How are you going to tackle the world that demands highly skilled people? After +2 most pupil goes blank about choosing a career. Everyone is aware of having a skill-based education. The world is growing into a huge platform of opportunities day by day. Skill-based education is thus gaining momentum rather than knowledge-based education. When the world is ready to provide you with immense opportunities, you must get ready to seize them with your skills. This is where you come across the importance of add-on courses. An Add-on course is a course that one can learn along with the regular degree programs, which will mould the students with employable skills. These courses are designed to equip the students to face the emerging challenges in the job market. Rather than doing a simple degree, students prefer opting for an add-on course along with it. Completing an add-on course along with three years of Bachelor’s Degree gives weightage to their degree as well. Thus, pursuing an add-on course with a conventional undergraduate degree has become the need of the era.


A college is a place where your perspectives about the world change along with developing knowledge about subjects that matter. And colleges can change you and shape you in ways that you might not even imagine. There are other areas of study that you can explore and develop besides the courses that you choose as your core subject. They would not just add extra credit but will also add to your personality and skills. If you are a student of Commerce, trying an additional course in Travel and Tourism or Aviation would help you expand your career breadth. No matter which course you are enrolled in, there is a plethora of online courses, diploma courses, and certificate courses that you can attend along with your core course. These add-on courses are a bonus in your CV or LinkedIn.

Let’s look into two ways of completing graduation. The first person has a degree and the second person also has a degree accompanied by a professional add-on course. It is very clear from these two cases, who would get more exposure in the career market and who would end up struggling at the bottom of the ladder. Putting in the extra effort has its benefits. Add-on courses increase your chances of getting a job and a lucrative career. Along with improving your professional skills and knowledge, your confidence gets boosted and it reflects in your personality.

The period of your life spent in college should be utilized for securing a promised career. Add-on courses give value to your time. 

When you come out of college after three years you must be skilled and be a demanding professional. Add-on courses play a crucial role in not only adding value to your time but the certificate is worth much more. With an additional certificate, you can fly out with colors and always a person with well-rounded knowledge is more appreciated than someone who knows a single subject. All companies look for something extra in their employees. This extra will be satisfied with the add-on courses. Thus, putting you at the top of their expectations and increasing your opportunities. You can achieve a status where you cannot be neglected by others. You will be an indispensable part of your work ambit.


The main objectives of introducing the add-on courses are to enhance the language, communication skills, aptitude, managerial, hospitality skills and empower the students for self-employment, and also make them readily employable. The various add-on courses provided by JB International Academy aim at imparting crucial job skills to the students.

Technological up-gradation and globalization of the economy have changed the education system in India, demanding skilled professionals. Apart from the past, students when they step out of college are now expected to be skilled in different aspects. Realizing the importance of inter-disciplinary skills in

education, JB International Academy has designed and organized different add-on courses to provide additional learner-centric skill-oriented technical training which improves the employability skill of the students.

Knowing the needs of the era we live in; we must structure our life goals. Having a career goal is important and achieving it with the help of the right course at the right institution is the crucial part. Add-on courses are thus an inevitable part of the academic curriculum. Everyone must pursue an add-course along with their undergraduate degree to be a skilled professional ready to be employed. Be ready to get enrolled in an add-on course and see how your career gets fuelled with opportunities.

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